Tuscan Organisation


The Tuscan Organisation has represented many clients across the globe, read what some of them have to say about the work we have carried out.

“Your promotional activity has enabled our company to become one of the most established and well respected credit card providers within the UK. Levels of new subscribers have never been higher.”

“The face-to-face method of your promotions enabled customers to fully understand the strengths of our business and gave them the incentive to try us out for the first time. I have never seen a marketing promotion achieve this level of impact.”

“The ability to be able to tailor a message to the individual customer, through your unique ‘Human Commercials’ was something we had never come across before. The number of new customers flooding into our business on a daily basis was incredible, far greater than any other form of advertising.”

“The marketing activity undertaken over the past year has enabled our charity to grow beyond all expectations. Our donor base has increased by over 30,000 new subscribers in a remarkably short period of time, generating much needed additional funds. Thank you.”


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